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格劳博GROB -- 汽车工业 90 多年的系统业务经验





  作为一家交钥匙供应商,格劳博通过配备单主轴或双主轴的G系列G300/G320、G500/G520、G700/G720 和G800 型号机床确保其 OEM 顺利完成大批量生产,同时满足安全产出和高可用性要求,并符合承诺的周期时间,达到期望品质。基于长期累积的经验和久经考验的工艺流程、技术和刀具知识,格劳博可以按照格劳博标准、相关法律法规和客户设计说明书的规定进行模块化供货和组装。不管是用线性龙门吊车架自动装载,还是在遵守所有重要安全指令的前提下进行人工装载,均是如此。因此,自 G 模块投入使用以来,格劳博已将 10,000 多台机床销往全球汽车工业。在第六代产品的研发过程中,格劳博再次对 G300 和 G500 机型的单主轴和双主轴 G 模块进行了若干个重要优化。主要涉及:

  · 线性轴和旋转轴的动态提升;

  · 外部尺寸缩小;

  · 当作为单主轴和双主轴 G 模块时与工艺时间同步的刀具装载;

  · 显著提升刀具容量和延长最大刀具长度;

  · 通过缩短工件与主轴端之间的最小间距使刀具设计理念更加稳定;

  · 按手动或自动顺序(从前往后或从上往下)在机床上装载刀具;

  · 针对汽车工业各类材料(从铝材,钢材到铸铁)的切削需求,开发出各式电主轴;

  · 提供适用于各种材料加工的各类电主轴,比如适用于高性能铝材切削的转速高达 30,000 min-1 的电主轴,适用于钢材和铸铁加工的扭矩超过 400Nm 并带 HSK-A100 刀具架的电主轴。

  基于 G 模块的这些优化,格劳博已经准备就绪,可以服务于全球汽车工业及其零配件供应商的多样化高规格应用。而且十分重要的是:格劳博的模块化理念使机床在新项目中的再利用成为可能——这是汽车工业一个非常重要的要求。



  格劳博是最重要的机床制造商之一,可以设计并提供从半自动化到全自动化机床的各类完整自动化系统。鉴于当前汽车工业所面临的全新挑战,这种能力正是汽车工业所急需的,让我们的客户即使在未来也能在设备设计理念方面保持高度灵活性。除 G 模块外,格劳博还为对质量和产量有着超高要求的高度专业化订单提供模块化专用机床。其模块化结构由标准加工单元组成,可以与 G 模块完美组合为混合生产系统。基于紧凑的模块化构造方式,各种作业精度极高且完全自主的工作单元应运而生。凭借自动化运输系统,我们能够提供适用于工件运输的客户专属解决方案。格劳博装载用龙门吊车架和滚道是对系统机床的补充,与其共同构成复杂的全自动化生产线。此外,新型软件技术的使用使进一步提升生产设备可用性、生产率和效率成为可能。



  Over 90 years of experience in the systems business

  Customers in the automotive sector place extremely high demands on productivity, flexibility, availability and process reliability in the systems business. These requirements can only be met with the highest levels of systems expertise and process know-how. The expectations of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have increased dramatically, especially in recent years. To ensure work pieces such as cylinder heads and cylinder engine block and transmission housings can be machined reliably in high volumes, machining processes have to be continually developed and new technologies have to be constantly and reliably implemented. All of this takes time and effort and has to be done while keeping production costs as low as possible.

  Bundled experience and extensive technology know-how

  GROB is a turnkey supplier. Our G300/G320, G500/G520, G700/G720 and G800 G-series models with one and/or two motor spindles guarantee our OEM customers high production volumes, reliable output and high availability in compliance with the agreed operating cycles and requisite quality levels. Thanks to its many years of experience and proven processes, technology and tool know-how, GROB can deliver and assemble modular machines to the GROB standard, in accordance with the regulations and specifications of customers. This applies to automatic loading with linear gantries and also manual loading, while factoring in all relevant safety guidelines.

  Since the launch of the G-modules, over 10,000 machines have been sold to the automotive industry. GROB has packed a host of crucial improvements into the sixth development phase of its single- and dual-spindle G300 and G500 G-modules. Highlights here include:

  · Increasing the dynamics of the linear and rotary axes;

  · Reducing the external dimensions;

  · Simultaneous tool loading in single- and dual-spindle G-modules;

  · Significant increase in tool capacity and increase in maximum possible tool lengths;

  · More stable tool concepts by reducing the minimum distance between the workpiece and the spindle nose;

  · Loading work pieces in manual or automatic sequence – from the front or from above;

  · Broad spectrum of motor spindles for machining all materials in the automotive industry – from aluminum to steel and cast materials;

  · Broad spectrum of motor spindle types for machining different materials. For example, high rpms of up to 30,000rpm for machining high-performance aluminum, and very high torque levels (in excess of 400 Nm) with a holder for an hollow shank taper-A100 tool for machining steel and cast iron materials.

  These G-module developments put GROB in the ideal position to meet the varied and exacting application needs of the global automotive industry and its suppliers. Another important aspect – GROB’s modular principle means that machines can be reused in new projects – a crucial requirement for the automotive industry.

  Optimum provider for the supplier industry

  GROB is one of the few machine tool manufacturers capable of planning and supplying the full range of automation in every form – from partial to full automation. In light of the new challenges facing the automotive sector, this capability is required so that we can continue to offer and supply our customers the highest levels of flexibility for their plant designs in the future. In addition to G-modules, GROB delivers modular special-purpose machines for highly specialized tasks that require the highest quality standards and stringent output requirements. These modular configurations are made up of standardized machining units and can be perfectly combined with G-modules to create hybrid production systems. The compact, modular design enables independent units to be created that work with the utmost precision.

  With our automated transport systems, we can offer customer-specific solutions for transporting work pieces. GROB loading gantries and interlinked lines round off the system machines to create a fully automated, complex production line. New software technologies can also be used to further increase the availability, productivityand efficiency of the production systems.

TE 成就稳定、高效的新能源储能系统
2024全景工博会 2024工博会以“工业聚能 新质领航”为全新主题,旨在瞄准我国新型工业化高质量发展的核心技术和重点领域,为产业转型升级提供良好的示范样板。






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