意大利Opto Engineering Headquater总裁o Sedazzari 记者 :首先感谢您接受我们的采访!领导人在一个企业的发展过程中起着十分重要的作用,所以,您能简要对自己做一个自我介绍吗? 我们相信,中国读者会十分感兴趣。">


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专访意大利Opto Engineering Headquater总裁o Sedazzari



意大利Opto Engineering Headquater总裁o Sedazzari


        记者:首先感谢您接受我们的采访!领导人在一个企业的发展过程中起着十分重要的作用,所以,您能简要对自己做一个自我介绍吗? 我们相信,中国读者会十分感兴趣。

        Claudio Sedazzari:从大学物理系毕业后,我和我的搭档们合开了这家公司. 我做过几年光学方面的顾问,顾问工作使我有机会了解工业光学不同领域的许多东西,比如: 机器视觉,激光器,探测器,照明……。同时使我有机会深入地了解市场和技术的机会。


        我是“Opto Engineering”的总负责人,为机器视觉设计和生产镜头已有6年的时间了。我们为主流市场提供所有产品,包括标准产品(远心镜头,LED光源)和定制产品。特别是每年根据客户的需要,我们开发了许多新的不同种类的光学元件,大多数客户需要的产品真的很特别,我们的大多数竞争者都不能提供或开发满足客户要求的光学元件,不管是在质量上,交货时间上,还是生产成本上。欧洲的机器视觉市场强烈依赖于汽车制造业,这种情形不容乐观,而且看起来在2009年会变得更糟糕。然而,机器视觉市场具有10%的年增长速度,既然被证明是一个创新的市场,相比较其它工业市场,我们的领域将会遭受较少的全球经济减速的冲击。我们并不乐观,但也不悲观,这种状态将持续到2009年。




      “Opto Engineering” 在远心镜头领域,处于世界领先地位,尤其是测量方面的应用。我们具有深厚的专业知识来开发这种特别的产品:我们已经研发了专用的测试仪器,独特的营销管理,拥有很多专利。我们希望在3年时间内成为第一家全球范围的远心镜头供应商。我们的产品受100%出厂检测,以保证产品优良的品质,另外我们产品的性价比是市场上最高的。我们一直致力于这种远心镜头的研发、改进和销售。

        记者:我们从贵公司的网站上了解到,您们在世界好多国家都有经销商,在中国就有两家Shenzhen Inbuilt Technology Co. Ltd 和Second2None Machine Vision Systems , 通过与两家公司的合作,您通过您的代理商了解到中国机器视觉市场是怎样的?您认为中国机器视觉产业有哪些优势?


        记者:您对中国的机器视觉企业了解多少?我们知道不少国外公司已经开始从中国采购配件甚至系统设备? 如果需要,您会选择中国的产品应用到您的机器视觉产品中去吗?



        我们完全有兴趣跟中国以及中国企业建立关系。大多数公司对中国企业很担心,而我们没有。中国人非常正直,他们致力于效益:这是一个简单而明确的规则,只要我们明白这一点,     其它的问题就会简单很多。在商言商,不用像欧洲那样把私人关系联系在一起。我最欣赏中国人的发展速度:我们拥有相同的速度。



      First, o Sedazzari, thank you very much for taking this interview. The   leader plays a very important role in a company acrossing the company's development. Finally, would you please     make a short sel-introduction  and we believe that Chinese readers must be very interested.

        I  have started the company with my partners after the graduation in physics and some years spent as a consultant in optics: consulting has given me the chance of learning many things in    different fields of industrial optics like machine vision, lasers, detectors, illumination …….This also gave me the chance of deeply understanding the market and the technologies.

        As the earliest and1 biggest machinevision media in China, the China Vision Web is always paying close attention to the markets,companies, technologies about machinevision in many countries of the world. Then, Claudio Sedazzari, would you please give Chinese readers  a biref introduction of your company? About the future of European’s machinevision markets, do you have some particular opinion?

        Opto Engineering, the company I am president of, is designing and producing lenses for machine vision since 6 years ago. We serve all major markets both with our standard products ,telecentric lenses, LED illuminators,and2 with custom-made products. In particular we develop many new kinds of optics every year following the customer's need. Being able to develop custom-made optics on time and- on cost is often a key factor: most customers are requiring something really special and most of our competitors are unable to deliver or develop optics which will satisfy customer's requirements, both in terms of quality and in terms of delivery time and production cost. European machine vision market strongly depends on car manufacturer sales: the situation is not good, and it seems it will be worse in 2009. However, since machine vision market has proved to be a new, innovative market niche with growth over 10% every year, might be that our field will suffer less of the global slowdown than other industrial markets. We are not optimistic, but neither pessimistic, as well for 2009.

        European machinevision markets develop early and keep ahead in technology, at the same time, its companies are much bigger than those in China in machinevision. Machinevision in Italy is also powerful, so would you please introduce machinevision market in your country generally? For example, which industries machinevision used more widly in Italy.

        In Italy as well as other European countries the main applications are related to automotive industry, food , beverage and pharmaceuticals, while, for instance electronics are not as well developed as in other areas. However we expect that in few years China will become the biggest market for machine vision. China has very good engineers, cash resources and huge volumes and I think production will soon turn to high quality, as well. All of these elements say that China will be for sure one of the biggest ,or the biggest, market for machine vision.

        Can you introduce what kinds of machinevision products your company offers from the beginning Opto Engineering founded up to now and what technological your company expert in ? Camparing   with your competitors, what is your company’s best superiority?

        Opto Engineering is a world leader in telecentric lenses, typically used for measurement applications. We own a very deep expertise in this special kind of product: we have developed specific testing instrumentation,specific marketing tools and we hold many patents, as well. We expect to become the first global supplier of telecentric lenses in 3 years. Our products are 100% quality controlled which ensures our superior quality and the quality/price ratio is the highest in the market. We are much focused on this product which makes us always committed to develop, improve and sell telecentric lenses.

        We learn about your company from your website that Opto Engineering has many sellers in many countries of the world. In China,there are two companies : Shenzhen Inbuilt Technology Co. Ltd and Second2None Machine Vision Systems. Acrossing cooperating with them, how do you think about machinevision in China in your eyes? What superiority does Chinese machinevision industries have?

       We  have established many positive relationships with Chinese machine vision  dealers. We also have some people taking care of business development in China, both for sales and for purchasing.   I think that the advantages for Chinese Machine Vision integrators are not connected with the low cost/hour of workers: software engineers are expected to be well paid also in China and the    major cost of a system is due to components. I expect that Chinese companies may be win because the Chinese engineers are very well minded for software and hardware and your internal and external market are huge and still not developed!

        How much do you learn about China's machinevision companies? We know that a lot of foreign companies have already bougth parts even system equipments from China. May you choose Chinese products to your  machinevision products if you need in future?

        I think there's still a lot of job to be done, but we find right now Chinese quality to be superior to European one, in many cases. European people think about China as an opportunity to reduce cost, while they expect low quality. We think exactly the opposite: in most cases the quality is higher although your cost isn't so low. The reason is that Chinese companies have a lot of financial resources they are able to employ to improve their production processes: this makes many Chinese products very good.

      Are you interested in China? Do you plan to work together with more and more Chinese corporations, and then enter China market if possible? 

        We are TOTALLY interested in developing relationship with China and Chinese companies. Most companies are worried about Chinese companies: we aren't. Chinese people are very straightforward and committed to profit: that's a simple and clear rule and once we have understood this, all the rest is much simpler. Business is business and hasn't to do with personal relationships usually so important (too much) in Europe: this is slowing down the business. What I appreciate most of Chinese people is the speed: we have the same speed!



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